Adding employees

Whether you want to add a single or hundreds of employees at a time, this article will show you how to do it.

Adding a single employee

>Gif of adding employee<

  1. Go to Employees menu point
  2. Click Add Employee
  3. Enter their email or name to see if they already happen to be on the Stinto network
    1. Select the matching profiles
  4. If not click Add new employee and fill in name, email and select a plan.
  5. Repeat if you want to add more employees at once. 
  6. Go through payment and invite them.

You'll pay for the period to your next company renewal date.

Your employees will get an invitation in their inbox and everything they need to join Stinto.

Bulk invite employees

If you have a handful or more employees that you want to invite at the same time, the bulk invite option will help you save time and, likely, also your mind. 

Use our template spreadsheet for the smooooothest experience. Download here <download link<

  1. Download and fill in this template spreadsheet <download link< with the information of employees you want to invite.
  2. Go to Employees > Bulk Invite Employees
  3. Upload spreadsheet.
    1. If necessary, map columns correspond to the correct fields
    2. If any needed info is missing we'll ask you
  4. Review the import and make any necessary changes
  5. Click Finish
  6. Go through payment

You'll pay for the period to your next company renewal date.