Understanding the Company Dashboard

The company dashboard is where you can get an overview of and manage your employees, contacts, and marketing materials. This article will help you navigate this.

Getting started with your company account


The company dashboard is organised into the following sections, accessible in the menu:


Let’s take a look at each in turn. 


Employees' menu point allow you to see people on Stinto from your company along with their user rights status and other basic information. We allow you to invite new employees one by one or in bulk, just like you can adjust permissions for existing users in bulk. 

It’s designed to make your job quick and easy.


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Read more about Employees here


New business relations that your colleagues share will be visible here. In other words, you can get an overview of when and who shared their connections with your organisation. If you have integrated with your CRM, which we recommend, all this information is automatically forwarded there. 

Only users on the team plan can send contacts to the company.




You can see the contact’s information, who added them and as well as access the materials that they have on their card




Call out: Read more about Contacts here

Company Card

If contacts of your employees want to know more about you as a company, they are able to see your company card. It functions just like a normal card, except that your connections cannot connect directly with the company card.  

Show what your company is all about with your branding and marketing materials. Also, make it easy for them to find more information on your website or social media platforms.

Marketing Materials

When your employees are out and about talking about how you help happy clients, it often great to have something to show new contacts. With marketing materials, you can upload material that your employees can select from. These materials can be anything from cover pictures, videos, documents and illustrations

New contacts will also have access to these materials after they have connected.

Call out: Read more about Marketing materials here


Settings are where you will spend the least time, yet there is some very important functionality here: account settings, integrations (important!), compliance, and policies.


Account settings:

This is where you can make changes to the email, recovery email and the general ownership of the account.

This is also where you can administer payment details and view the payment history

Call out: Read more about Account Settings here


When you first set up your account, you should also integrate with your CRM to get the most out of your organisation-wide networking efforts. This way your employees can easily access important information where it is most actionable.

The easiest way to do this is to the embedded option integrated with your CRM through Zapier. Zapier helps us connect to 5000+ services, likely also yours.

Call out: Read more about integrations here

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In order to be fully compliant with your integration, you need to upload our compliance documents under this menu point. 

The documents will inform your contacts of your policies when they are added to your CRM.

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This one is simple. Here are the most recent terms and conditions for using our services.