Understanding Contacts

This article will introduce you to the Contacts section of Stinto. Here you can access all your contacts, but you’ll also be able to search the greater Stinto network.


On the contact page you’ll see and access all your contacts, but you’ll also be able to search the Stinto network.

Contact requests

New contact requests will be displayed over the rest of the contact list, so you can easily act on the request. You are also able to preview the contact by tapping the profile picture.


Use search to find people by name, title or company and then ask to connect. These will be Live contacts, meaning that you’ll be always have their updated contact information.

CRM tag

Paid plan users with a CRM integration, will see the CRM tag when they have shared the contact with their CRM system. This way, the contact information and notes will be synced to their CRM system.


Live and manual contacts

Stinto allows both Live contacts and Manual contacts

Live contacts

Live contacts are directly updated in your app and in the CRM if you share them to your CRM. 

Live contacts are created between two Stinto users connect, and so this type of contact can be made with the use of QR, StintoTap, Search and Stinto links

Manual contacts

Manual contacts have static data, so won't be updated automatically and are created by using the business card scanner or if you manually enter them. Their details can, however, still be shared with the CRM. 

Manual contacts can be converted to Live contacts if the contact joins Stinto later.