Mapping data field from Stinto to HubSpot

Zapier needs to know where you want what data to end up. You tell Zapier this by mapping Stinto's properties with the corresponding properties in HubSpot.

Mapping Recommendations for 'Create or update contact' flow

These are only recommendations to how you should map the properties. You may have to make changes according to your needs and workflows.

Stinto properties

HubSpot properties

Contact's first name Contact information: First Name
Contact's last name Contact information: Last Name
Contact's Email Contact Email
Name of Company that Contact works for
Contact information: Company Name
Contact's job title Contact information: Job Title
Phonenumber Contact information: Phone Number
Country code of Contact's phone number Contact information: Job Title
Website Properties Website Value

Address of the contact

Contact information: Street Address

City of the contact

Contact information: City

Postal code of the contact

Contact information: Postal Code

Country of the contact

Contact information: Country/Region